About Us

Buckie Got It is a multi-platform news and information media company. Founded in 2017, its mission is to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the St. Kitts and Nevis as one nation.

Buckiegotit.com is a news and information site providing visitors with breaking news, sports, education, business, weather, health, tours, politics and travel news โ€” all updated 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Visitors experience comprehensive, convenient news and information from Buckie Got It through interactive features, infographics, and multi-media functions including audio, video, blogs, podcasts and live Webcasts. Our aim is to provide St. Kits & Nevis and others at home and abroad with professional, accurate, reliable and unbiased news and information with a special focus on the country while maintaining our high website standards and professionalism.